Nejnovejsi fotky z Shipito skladu v Mindenu

Sklad v Nevade se nam pekne zaplnuje! Konec roku a znovu trhame rekordy. Tohle je ted sklad pres ktery proudi nejvesi pocet zasilek.


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11 thoughts on “Nejnovejsi fotky z Shipito skladu v Mindenu

      1. I když jak nad tí­m celým nesmyslem začí­nám serií³zně přemýšlet, není­ tam to topení­ ve stropu primárně na to, aby v zimě odtávalo sní­h a nepropadla se střecha?

        1. Ne v podstate kazdy sklad se v zime vytapi na urcitou teplotu.. ne nejake vedro, ale treba 16C. Jinak v tom udoli zas tak moc snih nepada.. skoro vubec. Jedine sklady co nevytapime a nemame tam nainstalovane topeni jsou v Kalifornii.. tady se to ani s topenim nestavi, protoze je vetsinou teplo, ale nekdy se stane, ze ve skladech v Kalifornii je vetsi zima nez v Nevade nebo Oregonu.

    1. Prej vytápí­.
      Na zimu je nejlepší­ možná koupit zaměstnancům firemní­ beranice, ale hlavně zvednou pracovní­ tempo, to je zahřeje úplně nejspolehlivěji.

  1. Nemate tam nahodou nakupni voziky z Walmartu?:D Jinak ten sklad ze mi zda nevyuzity docela, kdyby jsi pouzil vysoke regaly, tak ho timto nezaplnis ani z jedne tretiny ne? Prijde mi prazdny (nebo spis zbytecne velky na tak male mnozstvi zbozi)

    1. Krasny fotky, radost pohledet 🙂

      Pracoval jsem pred 10 lety v podobne velkym sklade v Massachusets, ale tam to bylo vsechno narovnany az ke stropu… hruza… pokazdy se neco tahalo z opacnyho konce skladu, skoro vsechny ulicky byly uzky a bez zebriku ses nikam nedostal…. zadny jesterky nebo elektricky vozitka, vsechno rucni prace skladniku…..a to slo nastesti z vetsi casti o obleceni, tasky apod. takze kdyz neco z vysky spadlo, nic se nerozbilo..
      jo to se ti obcas stane ze celej regal spadne dolu a zbozi se vysype treba prave ve chvili kdyz se ma to zbozi odeslat zakaznikum….
      Mne se teda takovyhle skladovani libi vic, hned po vstupu do dveri skladu mas o vsem prehled, kdyby k necemu doslo, asi se to lepe hasi , stehuje apod…
      i kdyz chapu, ze pak se do skladu vejde zbozi a baliku min..
      Amazon to taky nema narovnany az uplne pod strop ve vsech skladech…

  2. Hello John , i’m from Belarus (easter Europe) i really enjoy what you. I can understand your language a bit, but not everything. Its looks simmilar to Polish and to my own language.

    1. How do you planing improve you business? (i hope its not everything what we could see right now)

    2. I’m interested in IncParadise – Do i need to go USA to register business ? Idea is not new but realy nice! Lots of ppl need that . Do you have consultants who could assist in Russian regarding to this?

    p.s as for “service” of shipito, you starting loose quality “UNFORTUNATLY”

    my asissted purchase are ignored more than 12 days, support cant help, workers on forum also just cant help. )) I need just wait when all my orders would be out of stock!! that’s wouldnt help you to make brand stronger.

    link to discussion:

    screenshots with support talks i’ve no make sence to fight againts system..

    as you may know, you have inspired lots of ppl in Russia and for today u have around 20 competitors only in RUssia some of them quickly eat market, react more fast and friendly. Ofc in US and other’s country also ppl trying to each a pie of this market.

    Good luck! you have greate ideas i hope shipito continue to grow not only in size but interms of quality also

  3. Hello John , i’m from Belarus (easter Europe) i really enjoy what you did. I can understand your language a bit, but not everything. Its looks simmilar to Polish and to my own language.

    1. How do you planing improve you business? (i hope its not everything what we could see right now)

    2. I’m interested in IncParadise – Do i need to go USA to register business ? Idea is not new but realy nice! Lots of ppl need that . Do you have consultants who could assist in Russian regarding to this?

    p.s as for “service” of shipito, you starting loose quality “UNFORTUNATLY”

    my asissted purchase are ignored more than 12 days, support cant help, workers on forum also just cant help. )) I need just wait when all my orders would be out of stock!! that’s wouldnt help you to make brand stronger.

    link to discussion:

    screenshots with support talks i’ve no make sence to fight againts system..


    as you may know, you have inspired lots of ppl in Russia and for today u have around 20 competitors only in RUssia some of them quickly eat market, react more fast and friendly. Ofc in US and other’s country also ppl trying to have a pie of this market.

    Good luck! you have greate ideas i hope shipito continue to grow not only in size but interms of quality also

    1. You can always email my COO Jason@eastbiz,com and he will help you. Unfortunately if we have too many assisted purchases in a store where is a limit how much we can order then it gets delayed for everyone. As much as we would like to get it done it might not be possible. But we are working on some solution

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