Jen kratka informace o dalsi moznosti jak propagovat zbozi pres Amazon. Jednou z moznosti je zalozit si na Amazonu vlastni obchod, ale kdyz o takoveto reseni nestojite (treba kvuli vysokym provizim, ktere Amazon uctuje nejen z ceny zbozi, ale i z postovneho) tak muzete vyuzit jinou moznost. Vase zbozi bude na Amazonu zobrazeno, ale pro koupi budou uzivatele nasmerovani na vas web. Jedna se o PPC (pay per click) system, kdy platite za kazdy proklik.
Nekdo treba hleda nejake kolo na Amazonu. Ve vysledku vyhledavani se objevi vase zbozi:
Jak vidite je tam napsano – Available at external website. K dispozici z externiho webu. A za tento klik zaplatite napr. v kategorii Sport – Other 25 centu za klik. Amazon pak dokonce zacne inzerovat na Google Adwords na vase klicova slova (coz se mne zrovna moc nelibi).
Zkousel jsem tuto Amazon PPC reklamu zhruba sest mesicu. Moc z ni nadseny nejsem, protoze moc objednavek to neprineslo. Ale je mozne, ze pro jiny obor to funguje lepe.
Jinak jeste k prodavani pres Amazon (pres jejich obchod). Amazon se s tim vubec nestve a pri prvnim problemum vrati penize kupujicimu a nepozaduje ani vraceni zbozi. Nekteri lide to umi velmi dobre vyuzivat. Treba se me stalo, ze nekdo koupil dve kola a pak zavolal na Amazon, ze kola nejsou nova, ale pouzita. Kola byly nova. Primo v krabici. Jeste neslozena. Amazon jim vratil penize a zduvodnil to tak, ze zbozi neodpovidalo popisu na Amazonu. A ze to je duvod k vraceni penez. Amazon taky napsal, ze kupujici mi zbozi nemusi vracet, protoze jsem porusil podminky.
Per our Policies for listing Amazon Marketplace items, sellers must accurately describe the product’s condition. It is not sufficient to list differences from the stated condition in the comments. In this case, this item was listed as “NEW.” As we state in our condition guidelines, this condition means:
“New: Just like it sounds. A brand-new, unused, unopened product in its original packaging and with all original packaging materials included. The original manufacturer’s warranty, if any, should still apply, with details of the warranty included in the conditions comments.”
Thank you for choosing
Zkousel jsem to vysvetlit, ze skutecne zbozi bylo nove a nepouzite, presne jak to vysvetluji. Poslal jsem email, ale bez uspechu.
We have reviewed the buyer’s claim and the information you provided. As mentioned previously, the item you sold was different from the item referenced on the product detail page. As such, the buyer is not required to return the item to you and is entitled to a reimbursement.
Account Specialist
A-to-z Guarantee Program
Napsal jsem jim znovu, ze kupujici lze, kola jsou uplne nova a ze kupujici me na emaily nereaguji. Nepomohlo to.
Amazon poslal “krasnou” odpoved:
Greetings from
As mentioned previously, we have reviewed the buyer’s claim and the information you provided. We have determined that this A-to-z Guarantee claim will remain unchanged.
We understand that you may not agree with this decision, but we will not be able to assist you further with this claim and there will be no further response to your e-mail messages regarding this transaction.
Thank you for selling with
Kola se mi zpet nepodarilo dostat. Dival jsem se, ze podobne problemy s Amazonem ma vice lidi.