Omlouvam se za to, ze nejedou komentare… prave jsem se probudil a vidim nasledujici email. Takze resim s hosting providerem co se deje.
We need to inform you that we had to disabled the following PHP module installed on
These measures have been taken in order to cease a very high load on the server hosting We had to ensure that the high load would not affect the proper operation of our server. For your information any high server load seriously affects the performance of all the other web sites hosted on the same machine.
To be more specific, there were too many requests towards wp-comments-post.php. The high server load was caused by the numerous and continuous executions of the script. To secure the server’s health and uptime, we had no option but to disable access to wp-comments-post.php.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
OK. Tak uz to znovu funguje…
U jaké firmy hostuješ? (jestli to není tajné)
Je porad dost pokusu ty komentare pridat… Dole na strance je napsano kolik toho zadrzel plugin Bad Behavior. Plus jeste vetsi mnozstvi zadrzi Akismet..